In addition to buying vintage diving helmets, Nation’s Attic also buys vintage dive watches. With this post coming in October we thought this watch was a fitting one to feature. One of our favorite models is one made by Bulova during the 1970s nicknamed the “Devil Diver”.
Why would a watch made for divers, made in many different sub-models, be given such a non-diving nickname? The answer is right on the dial of each one, the watch’s depth rating, 666 feet.

During the early 1970s Bulova was one of the best Swiss watch manufacturers, especially dive models. Having a depth rating of 100 or 200 meters was impressive and stated on many models. In the American market, many models had the depth stated in feet. Rolex for example featured an impressive 660 feet on their Submariner.

As mentioned above, Bulova made a large variety of dive watches using the 666 feet rating. Nation’s Attic is always interested in purchasing these Devil Diver watches, regardless of condition. Just text us photos to 316-371-1828 or email