Classic Morse Diving Equipment 1940's Commercial Helmet!
We are proud to offer a rarely seen Morse Diving Equipment helmet from the 1945-1946 time period. Helmets like these were originally only ordered 1 at a time - not in huge lots like the Mark V by the military. For this reason finding an intact commercial helmet is quite difficult. In this case the helmets matching serial #'s at the neck ring provide a great reference to the helmets age. The helmet does have the original Morse brails and all four have matching serial #'s, matching the neck rings.
As can be seen in the photos above, the helmet has a wonderful patina, retaining much of its original finish. The helmet is also in excellent condition, exhibiting no major dents or damage! The helmet does still retain all 12 of its wing nuts, safety pin latch, window guards, air fitting cap, glass, Morse Diving Equipment ID plate, internal bonnet air vents and a very old speaker! This also features two exhaust valves which is an unusual feature.
The helmet is the classic design of what Morse called their "latest design of Standard Helmets". While the helmet follows that style, it was ordered with custom features that an experienced diver would paid extra for. The 4th top lite, Mark V style hinged face plate and extra regulating valve are key features of this helmet not normally found.
This helmet was obviously well taken care of originally. Now in the 21st Century it remains an impressive piece of post-WWII diving history in amazing condition with just the right amount of patina that will surely impressive friends and fellow collectors.