Who buys Miller Dunn antique diving helmets? The Nation’s Attic buys Miller Dunn diving helmets. We represent collectors from around the world and this gives us the opportunity to make immediate offers on the old hard hats. We strive to make the transaction very easy and safe no matter where you are located in the world and we also pay for and handle the shipping.
Please call or text us today at 316-371-1828 or email helmets@nationsattic.com

Nation’s Attic is a buyer of Miller Dunn Co antique diving helmets. All we need to make you an offer are clear photos of the Miller Dunn Divinhood or Mark V diving helmet. Simply text photos to 316-371-1828 or email them to helmets@nationsattic.com.
In addition to Miller Dunn helmets we are also interested in purchasing related tools and equipment. Items such as diving knives, boots, weight belts, suits, original ships helmet boxes, underwater lights, brass valves and gauges, air pumps, photos and anything else that is nautical related.
Miller Dunn was based in Miami, Florida. The company was known for making shallow water helmets during the first half of the 20th Century. Their first helmet was simply called the Divinhood. This shallow water helmet is relatively simple in construction with one round window in the front. Miller Dunn would improve upon this model with the Divinhood Style 2 helmet. Also a shallow water model, this helmet used two angled pieces of glass on the front. The peak of production would be the Divinhood Style 3. These were made in large numbers during World War 2 for the US Navy. Also during World War 2 Miller Dunn made the US Navy Mark V helmet. The Mark V is a deep water helmet and was the only deep water model Miller Dunn made. Miller Dunn also produced a small air pump in larger numbers as well. The helmets would come in a wood crate with the helmet, air pump and hose for a complete diving kit. If you have a helmet that was made by Miller Dunn, please let us know, you might be surprised just how much we can pay!

Dunn Divinhood
The Dunn Divinhood was the first helmet Miller Dunn manufactured. Many people refer to these first helmets as style 1. Rather than a tag or ID plate, these were simply stamped into the side of the helmet. They say Dunn Divinhood; U.S. Pat. Aug. 1916; Foreign Pats Pending; Miller-Dunn Co. Miami, FL.
Does Your Helmet Have This Stamp?
Call / Text 316-371-1828

The second helmet by this company was called the Divinhood Style 2. The tag also indicates Navy Standard. The Miller-Dunn Co. Miami, FLA is quite clear on these ID plates. This plate will be on one side next to the bottom edge of the top.
Is Your ID Plate Visible And Easy To Read?
Call / Text 316-371-1828

Divinhood Style 3 is the most commonly found helmet. These were made by the thousands during World War 2 by the Miller - Dunn Co. in Miami, FLA.
Have A Helmet With This ID Plate?
Call / Text 316-371-1828

US Navy Mark V
Miller Dunn
During World War 2 Miller Dunn made the United States Navy Mark V diving helmet. They used a lead ID plate, making them often difficult to read the serial number and date.
Can You Read Your Lead ID Tag?
Call / Text 316-371-1828